What are Google Ads?

You are in the right place if you are looking forward to spending money on your ads to reach the right target audience at the right time. It is nothing surprising to know that these days the stronger and more focused the paid campaigns are, the more clicks you generate, leading to a better probability of getting new clients.

Intricate Details About Google Ads

Google ads are a paid advertising platform under the PPC marketing channel. Here the advertiser must pay for each click on the ad. Google ads are one of the best ways to drive qualified traffic or great fit customers to the business.

You can improve your website traffic with Google ads, receive phone calls and can increase in-store visits. This way, your target audience will reach you when they search for your service and come across the ad. Irrespective of your business size, you can customize the ads.

Why do you need to advertise on Google?

Google is one of the most prominent search engines, receiving more than five billion search queries daily. Google is also a resource used by people globally to ask questions answered with organic results and paid advertisements. If you use PPC to advertise the product or services, Google ads will be part of the paid strategy.

Some of the best practices for Google ads:

We all know by now that Google advertisements are extremely popular and powerful. If done it in the right way, such advertisements can help in getting amazing effective results at affordable prices.

Consider using a PPC planning template

Using a planner that keeps the PPC project organized is important. You can view how your ads perform online, see the character count, and manage the campaigns with a click of a button when you use such planning templates.

Improve your quality score

Your ad’s quality score is how Google determines your ad should rank. The better the quality score, the better rank, and placements on the search engine result pages. If your quality score is below the given point, you will have minimum eyeballs on the ad and few chances to convert visitors to customers. But you do not need to stress as Google will inform you about your quality score, and it is your responsibility to enhance it.

Optimize the landing page

The efforts should not stop with the ad; the user experience also plays a crucial role after the click. What the user sees on the ad is the landing page optimized for conversions is not. Does the page solve any of the user queries?

Google ad term that you should know

Ad rank

The ad rank will determine your ad placement. The better the value the more would be your rank and the maximum ad views you will get.


Google ads would be based on the bidding system where you would be the advertiser and you would be selecting the maximum bid amount that you would be paying for a click on the advertisement. The more you bid the better would be your placement.

Type of the campaign

Before you even start your paid campaign on Google, you must choose between campaigns like display ad, search ad, video ad, smart app, shopping or performance max. Search ads are text ads which are displayed on the search results of your Google result page.